Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, I cooked my first full meal since Tony passed. I had Chad, Sethena, and Makenzie over for Lemon Chicken. As I pulled out the recipe, I had noted on it "make again-Tony love it!". I couldn't help, but smile when I read that. I loved cooking for Tony. I know that sounds so old school and 1950's housewife-ish, but it was true. I loved the way he would rave about the things that I made, brag to his friends that they had to try some of this or that that I made, and always compliment me on how great everything turned out.Then he would usually always smile and throw in a few "I am so luckys" with his cute grin on his face. He even prided himself on becoming my "sou-chef" and "master chopper" in preparing meals. We spent some great times together in the kitchen...Last night as I was cooking, before my guests arrived I felt like Tony was beside me as I was prepping the food. It may make me sound nutty, but I don't care it was a good feeling:-)